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What to Expect with
'Cut Your Own' Tree at Valley View

When You Arrive

Pull into the driveway and park in the lot to your right. Our team members are stationed around the entrance to greet you and provide you with a map, pricelist, and saw. When you meet our team, take the opportunity to ask any questions and orient to the farm/map. 


Choose your tree:

Fraser Fir - $12/ft

Balsam Fir - $12/ft

Concolor Fir -  $12/ft

Nordmann Fir - $12/ft

Black Hills Spruce - $10/ft

Colorado Blue Spruce - $10/ft

Norway Spruce - $10/ft

White Pine - $8/ft


Choosing and cutting the family Christmas tree is a beloved family tradition. Valley View Tree Farm makes the process easy so that you can focus on creating the best holiday memories. 

Find and Cut Your Tree

  1. Locate your preferred tree on the map. 

  2. Start hiking! The maximum distance to a tree is 500 feet.

  3. Choose a tagged tree and cut it down (trees with a pink ribbon are not for  sale). Carry it back to the baling area.

  4. Our team will shake the tree to free it from any debris, dead needles, or squirrels (just kidding - no squirrels) and bale it in netting for an easy transport home.

  5. Your assisting team member will hand you 1/2 the tree's tag, and send you to the Gift Shop where you can warm up, check out seasonal gifts & decorations, grab anything you might need for the tree, and pay for your tree.

  6. Lastly, pack up the family, sing your favorite Christmas carols and head home. Set up the tree and take your Christmas portrait - tag us when you post it!

Did we miss anything? 



W798 Valley View Road

Burlington, WI 53105

Opening Day is the Saturday

before Thanksgiving

*Closed Thanksgiving Day

Closing Day is usually the 2nd Sunday of December

  • 4 Miles East of Alpine Valley

  • 5 Miles Northwest of Burlington, WI


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